- Login credentials for OJAS will be same as your AD credentials (User Name - EIN and Password - AD Password).
- The assigned courses can be accessed with the following links:-
- Within Bank: Intranet >> Departments >> Human Resource >> OJAS >> Active Assignments >> Training program.
- External Link (through Personal Computer/Laptop/Tab/Mobile) :- https://ojas.idbibank.co.in/LP/idbi/home.jsp
- The pending mandatory certification can be viewed in OJAS from Active Assignments >> Training program.
- Use desktop speakers/head phone/ear phones for interactive learning experience.
- Maximum 10 attempts are available to complete the assessments
- Wherever PDF file icons are visible in the modules, ensure to open and read them. Since PDF file opens in a different window, use ALT+TAB key to go back to the module screen. Otherwise, the next slide would not open and the module will also be shown as incomplete.
- The employee has to ensure that all the contents of the module are read / viewed in all the slides in the module for its status to be shown as completed.
- On completion of the modules, it will move to Training History>>Training Program. The certificate for completed mandatory modules can be downloaded by clicking the [Certificate] tab.
- As per Circular IDBI Bank/2023-24/610/HR/HR-73 dated Jan 17, 2024 (point no. 2.7), for non-completion of assigned e-learning modules/certifications in Ojas during the financial year, there shall be penal action of reduction of two marks from the final score awarded to him/her by the Reviewing Authority before ascertaining the Performance Grade through the system.
- Completion of assigned mandatory E-Learning certifications within stipulated timelines will be a pre-requisite for renewal of contract for Executives and confirmation of Officers on probation.
- Any technical issues with regard to OJAS can be raised well before the last date to avoid any difficulties.
- The detailed user manuals for desktop and mobile app can be accessed at Dept>>HRD>>Training>>OJAS>>OJAS Manuals. Ensure syncing is done when using mobile application for completion of modules.
- For further query please email to ojas@idbi.co.in OJAS Team at IDBITC:
Shri. Alok Kumar Singh, Mgr, Ph: 040-6787 5223
Shri. Premkumar S, AGM, Ph: 040-6787 5230
Shri. Abhishek Arora, DGM, Ph: 040-6787 5219